How often are we pushed far beyond our normal range?

Miami Beach Goggle map
Made a detour to grab an unplanned breakfast at Starbucks before the long walk back


How often are we pushed far beyond our normal range?

Not very.

From the hotel it seemed to be a mile and a half to the beach.

Turned out it was 3.6 miles. Haven’t run 7.2 miles in the past 30 years.

So walking the second half seemed like a nice compromise because of one thing.


There was last minute time in the morning that wasn’t filled with meetings.

It was a delightful indulgence.

A gift.

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At best and at worst, it’s our choice and no one else’s

Presentation slide for speaker claiming balance is BS
If I didn’t exercise everytime I didn’t feel like it, I wouldn’t exercise. Same with reading….


He who cannot change the very fabric of his thought will never be able to change reality. – Anwar al-Sadat

At best we have convinced ourselves that exercise is optional.

And at worst we have convinced ourselves exercise is not for us. Ever.

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Is there a fine line or is it the Berlin Wall?

Woodlands and residential property line
Is there a fine line or is it the Berlin Wall?


One of the easiest ways for Baby Boomers (any age really) to quit exercising is to overdo something, get injured, get frustrated, rationalize it’s not worth it, and never return to decent activity.

Hurt the shoulder the other day. Gets worse each day. Hurts even on slow jog. Heading to doctor now.

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How difficult is it to tell the difference between a vibrant person and non-vibrant?

Blood pressure monitor
Some of us avoid an annual checkup because we are afraid of what we’ll find out.


What do we do to rationalize so we can accept that we are signing up for weekly, brisk activity for the rest of our lives?

Some crazy, misfit-type people write about their daily struggles. There are a million ways to stay motivated.

And some most some most think the notion is ridiculous.

Truth be told, it’s no secret.

How difficult is it to tell the difference between a vibrant person and non-vibrant?

Not difficult? Very difficult?

PS. Not a trick question.

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