The secret for vibrant, youthful energy is staying physically active

jeff noel at Health Central for Hernia consultation
Don’t under-do it and don’t over-do it (30% of males get a hernia)


There is no shortcut to a strong body and a strong cardiovascular system.

The secret for vibrant, youthful energy is staying physically active.

Being active is the only option.

Active for a lifetime.

We know this.

Ignoring it does not change it.

We know this too.

Next Blog


Physical fitness is tied to physical illness

Thriving Baby Boomers run even in freezing temps
Super Bowl Sunday 2013 a freezing mountainous run


Note to self, as your age jeff, you will reap what you sow?

This is meant to explain what volumes try, but fail miserable to convincingly illuminate. We don’t need volumes, just this…

A body at rest tends to stay at rest. A body in motion tends to stay in motion.

We’ve covered mental and physical, now scoot over to emotional (spiritual), click go.


Inactivity is an addiction

stop smoking
yes, we need to try, until the ultimatum is to stop trying, and just do it


A friend keeps saying he’s going to try to quit smoking. I said “You are or you aren’t. There is no try.” Tough love? The truth? Hell yeah. Been there, done that.

Same with becoming and staying physically active. We must break our addictions. Inactivity is an addiction. There, I’ve said it.

This month jeff noel is encouraging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. It’s a breeze to go from this physical health blog to the spiritual health blog, just click -> go to Next Blog