Pain or no pain, that is the question

Podiotrist exam room
Farmer’s tan? Photo from two days ago.


Two days ago the pain was excruciating and the run was cancelled. Yesterday however, after a fairly painful ten minute walk, a ten mile run ensued. How that was possible remains a mystery.

The 7th and 8th miles where seven-minutes flat. And the preceding six miles each got progressively faster, thanks in large part to zero pain.

This was a bit surprising stunning.

This morning? No pain. How? Why?

Time will tell.

The first five months of retirement have been impressively enlightening.

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In theory, running should not be his exercise of choice

Running and foot health
Thank goodness for experts like Dr Curtis Wagner.


Unexplainable that yesterday’s run was impossible because of excruciating foot pain.

Why the pain?

And to remove the temptation to run in spite of the pain, it was raining. Not a fan of running in the cold rain.

So no run.

Immediately opted for an earlier than normal gym workout.

On the way home, a “Why not?” moment and pulled into Sand lake Commons Medical complex to see about a walk-in appointment.

The pain had vanished the way our vehicle stops making that weird noise when we take it to the mechanic.

Foot pain is back again today.

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The long way is the short cut

First of three 4+ mile walks around Disneyland on this day.


The long way is the short cut. Ran a very slow five-miler this morning before sunrise. First time running in new shoes. Walked about 40 miles at Disneyland, plus 60 miles logged walking in Orlando prior.

Because of foot challenges, have been wearing trail running shoes for 12 years. The new shoes are a dramatic departure. This could cause new foot injuries if the adjustment is not gradual enough.

One hundred miles was a great break in effort. No issues on today’s run.

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Have a nice run

Track Shack parking in Orlando


“Your calves are tight”, said Track Shack owner Betsy Hughes.

Just when you think your chronic injuries are subsiding to the healthiest you’ve been in five years, a new challenge. And you were so excited about this year’s opportunities:

  • April 11: Annual Windermere Run Among the Lakes 5k.
  • May 30: Central Florida Gliders Open and Masters Track meet at Lake Brantley High School.
  • June 20-21: Florida Sunshine State Games Masters Track Meet, Punta Gorda, FL.
  • July 23-26: Masters Track Outdoor National Championships, Jacksonville, FL.
  • August 4-16: Masters Track World Championships, Lyon, France.

It never ends, the constant struggle.

Deal with it.

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We may conceal them for decades

foot doctor
We all have pains invisible to others and we may conceal them for decades


Please count active rest as exercise. If you planned it and it’s an integral part of your wellness routine, than it counts 100%.

But the past five days of no running have not been planned.

Only three more days until the Podiatrist looks at the newest foot challenge.

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