Is it time to rejoice from such an invisible thing?

Disney Keynote Speaker
From years ago…what a dorky expression on the far left.


Disney Keynote Speaker
Years ago, during the graduation phase of a Disney Institute Engagement.


Disney Keynote Speaker
Candid is as candid does.


Is it time to rejoice from such an invisible thing?

Fourth morning in a row without foot pain.

This is a big deal.

It also brings disproportionally joy to the event itself.

Take what we can get, right?

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Where do we find strength to keep moving forward?

Clever bumper sticker
Fingers crossed.


Will this morning bring a sigh of relief from last week, which began with a Podiatrist visit?

Only ran twice last week. A couple of 10-milers, miraculously, without foot pain.

And then there were hours, days even, where the pain was literally debilitating just to walk.

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Categorized as Feet Tagged ,

It’s one set back after another, just like in nature

Foot pain diagram
No pain from any joints. Pain is one digit up, but between the middle toes.


It’s one set back after another, just like in nature. Study nature long enough and you learn a brutal truth. Nature is survival of the fittest. Everything else gets eaten in due time.

The newest foot pain is driving him crazy because he knows exactly where it’s located, but there are no visible signs on the skin’s surface for him or his Podiatrist to see, and take action on.


And yet he knows this too shall pass.

But why did it have to happen now?

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Run Disney
Began the morning in pain, but was able to run a 10-miler.


i learn by going where i have not gone.

Technically, running should not work for someone like me with chronic foot challenges.

Pushing the boundaries of pain management, injury prevention and injury recovery can wear a person down, big time.

A smarter person would have quit years ago.

PS. Running is simply a metaphor for life.

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