We would die without pain

warning sign for horses and ulcers
Made us look… health care, can’t live with it, can’t live without it


Pain is awful. We hate it. Complain about it. Moan on and on how difficult life is with it.

Not to mention pain fuels a billions-of-dollars-a-year industry – and compliments health-care nicely.

And we’d die without it.

Next Blog


The bonus question that sets people free to a lifetime of wellness success

It’s not until we ask ourselves this bonus question that our wellness efforts finally start making permanent, slow, dramatic progress.

What are we willing to give up in order to carve out the time we need to exercise regularly?

PS. jeff noel.org’s post is about my classmate’s Son who’s in People Magazine’s special 2012 year end issue, here.


Three life-altering wellness questions

Three life-altering wellness questions:

  1. Why do we feel un-deserving?
  2. Why do we worry what others think?
  3. What’s our responsibility to be an excellent example?

Tomorrow, a bonus question that almost always goes unanswered, making the answers above irrelevant

But for now… like the sensei said, we grab for what is there, but refuse to hold on – here’s what that means.


Here’s the place to shop for the creative solution we need for lasting change

Here’s the place to shop for the creative solution we need for lasting change. Ask different questions. The same worn-out questions we ask, yield the same well-worn detrimental answers.

Most common response I hear, “But if I knew what questions to ask… I could finally get somewhere positive”. Tomorrow, three questions that changed me forever…

But for today, did Sandy Hook happen because of this simple cultural concept and failure?