7 Things You Need To Embrace About Commitment

Finland, 2009

Dear Son, 7 things you need to embrace about commitment:

  1. Search until you’ve found your passion
  2. Find a million ways to keep it alive
  3. Accept failure, but not quitting
  4. Never forget that #1 (above) requires a higher purpose
  5. Tell stories to others (this is for accountablility)
  6. Use personal examples
  7. If you’re goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough

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Dear Son, I Get That You Get It

Part of creating your commitment is creating your own personal vibe (brand).

Dear Son, as we plan, and toil, day after day, week after week, month after month, we can take solace in knowing we are on the same page in terms of diet and exercise. There is still a major commitment I need from you though.

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