Five simple blessings from a crushed dream

Apple Watch display
Two days ago, this notification was for the flight to Paris.


A few of the blessings from a crushed dream. Was able to answer yes to each question:

  • Are you still alive?
  • Are you still healthy?
  • Are you still able to run?
  • Are you cognizant that you had the time and money to invest in this dream?
  • Are you grateful that the dream ended differently than you had hoped?

These are just a few of the first thoughts. The foundation for all the other wonderful revelations.

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Simply being able to run pain free is gold

Honeymoon bicycle trip
1984, in the Puget Sound.


Tomorrow is the day i was supposed to fly to France for the 2015 WMA Masters Track & Field World Championships to represent the Team USA in the 400 and 800.

Have accepted the reality that an injury has made it a no go.

Rather than wallow in sorrow, i’ve been relishing the reality that simply being able to run pain free is gold.

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Time will tell and all we have is time

Landscape truck with company tagline
Who’s taking care of your health?


Time will tell and all we have is time.

Walked out to the mailbox like i do every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and began walking (instead of running). After the first mile, began a slow jog which lasted two miles and included a break or two to stretch.

Walked the final mile home.

No pain.

Time will tell if the freakish, sometimes debilitating pain will raise it’s ugly head.

Such is our life whether we live like we mean it or not.

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