Look Mom, no orthotics

Graffiti at Epcot
When does defacing someone else’s property become acceptable? Is there some excuse that makes this ok? Photo: Epcot, Japan, men’s restroom.


Yesterday was the fourth run without orthotics. The first week was only three miles each run. But yesterday it was seven miles. Nice and easy. Is it possible to let go of a 12+ year crutch?

Chronic foot challenges are an invisible disability.

So is a couple’s infertility.

Life goes on.

Depending on what’s important and how bad you want something, you can find a way to keep moving forward.

Don’t let good excuses become a habit.




On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.

This website is about our physical health. To easily and safely leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s spiritual health website, click here.


A 10-miler through Walt Disney World never gets old

Disney Keynote Speakers
SunTrust Building lobby at Walt Disney World.


Disney Keynote Speakers
Cast Member Magic.


Disney Keynote Speakers
Before the Team Disney building opened, the Sun Trust Building was Walt Disney World HQ.


Disney Keynote Speakers
Walt Disney World Casting Center.


Disney Keynote Speakers
Team Disney Building at Walt Disney World.


Disney Keynote Speakers
Main entrance to Team Disney.


Disney Keynote Speakers
Clever, eh?


Disney Keynote Speakers
Yes indeed.


Disney Keynote Speakers
Beautiful morning.


Disney Keynote Speakers
The Interstate is so close.


Disney Keynote Speakers


Disney Keynote Speakers
The path less traveled.


A 10-miler through Walt Disney World never gets old.

Using 10-miler and my name in the same sentence would have been impossible one year ago.

Makes us wonder what else we’ve been lying to ourselves about.




On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.

This website is about our physical health. To easily and safely leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s spiritual health website, click here.


Organize to maximize

New Balance running shoes
Being world-class has five big categories. Physical well being is one of them.


Mid Life Celebration, LLC’s 2016 corporate wellness initiative got an early start yesterday. The benefits of having a healthy workforce are well documented, and statistically valid.

In some companies, it’s mandatory that top executives meet certain health metrics. Why? Because their health is good for the organization’s health. A deceased or crippled CEO is a huge liability.

The challenging part for any CEO (or Board of Directors) is getting people to embrace the concept and live a vibrant lifestyle. As the CEO for Mid Life Celebration, LLC, i’m here to testify.




This website is about our physical health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my spiritual health website, click here.

Live like you mean it every single day?

Disney Cast Member Main Entrance Pass
Somewhere around 8am yesterday.


Disney Cast Member Main Entrance Pass
Same photo, different resolution.


Magic Kingdom Town Square Christmas decorations
Second water break, during an 11-mile trek yesterday.


Living like you mean it is one of those streams of thought that rarely crosses our mind because we are busy carving out a life.

What if living like you mean it was actually how we spent our days?

If it was, it might look like the ordinary Monday i had yesterday. Two hours of writing, then a run to Magic Kingdom and back, before resuming the work day.




This website is about our physical health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my spiritual health website, click here.

How’s your New Year’s resolution?

iPhone shipping box
Yesterday…unpacking the latest iPhone can be replicated each and every day…unpacking life.


How’s your New Year’s resolution?

If you hate being asked, ask yourself why?

Be an example, not a warning.

PS. i wrote this on October 23, 2015…when was the last time you were thinking 100 days ahead? What if it was yesterday?




This website is about our physical health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my spiritual health website, click here.