Time or money, which is more valuable?

rat race
rat race

Time or money, which is more valuable? A High School classmate who was nearly killed in a car accident (as a midlife adult) reflected last night how she thinks time is even more valuable than health.

Will have to spend some time thinking about this on tomorrow morning’s run.

This short invocation makes a decent argument, but doesn’t convince.

What one thing will we do today to maintain our wellness?

overcoming excuses
… and I never miss a day of writing five different blog posts… ever

What one thing will we do to maintain our wellness? The past week, Been focusing on sleep, trying to get eight hours a night. It happened two out of five nights so far. Imagine it being zero for five if there was no focus.

By the way, Cheryl was away all week and work needed me six of seven days. There’s always some excuse we can make.

Once again confirming what we already know – there’s more to wellness than diet and exercise.

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Two priceless fitness tips that most can’t afford to focus on

who makes the best shoes
who makes the best shoes

A Central Florida Facebook fan page asked members for fitness tips, so I chimed in:

There’s a bigger issue that figuring out what shoes are best or the proper way to do a situp… Tip1: Find a million reasons to not quit. Tip 2: Get healthy for someone else, not yourself. Hope that helps. 🙂

Can’t make it any clearer. Perhaps looking at the minutia is really the safest exit plan for never intending to stick with lifetime wellness. Think about it. I guess I could be wrong.

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The most under rated health trick?

adequate rest
it can be challenging to drown out the pounding sounds of life’s pressures

The most under rated health trick? Adequate rest. I’ve watched older (than me) adults and listen to them talk about sleep challenges. Can you see the writing on the wall?

Last night for the first time in maybe a year… nine hours of sleep. This was intentional because by 7pm last night, could barely stay awake. Eight is optimal.

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