It’s obvious by the closed eyes this comes with the territory

Phillies stadium
Never a shortage of interesting places, many are visited before breakfast.


Sitting in Philadelphia International airport waiting for a short flight to NYC and eating a slice of pizza for lunch.

Too busy to run this morning (and too tired and too cold).

Too busy to write – until now.

Looking around, it’s obvious by the closed eyes in the boarding area that this comes with the territory.

Figure it out.

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Mental attitude and physical wellbeing are blood relatives

runner falls at lake Sheen Estates, Orlando, FL
Jogged past the truck, never saw anyone sitting in it


runner falls at lake Sheen Estates, Orlando, FL
Gloves are so easily replaceable, it’s ridiculous to worry about it for a even a second


runner falls at lake Sheen Estates, Orlando, FL
Thankful it was only a brush burn and not a broken arm, shoulder, wrist, etc


runner falls at lake Sheen Estates, Orlando, FL
The fall destroyed the front glass


Mental attitude and physical wellbeing are blood relatives.

Jogged yesterday morning. Tripped and fell hard on the sidewalk. Brush burn on hip, hurt left shoulder, ripped holes in both gloves (it was 45 degrees in Orlando), and smashed the new iPhone 5s.

Jason, the Terminix driver, shouted as I lie on the ground, ‘Are you okay?”

It took a few minutes, but the attitude went from:

  • let’s sue for damages and neglect to…
  • thank goodness this wasn’t a car accident and no ambulance/hospital is needed

When we are balanced, we detach from old, societal habits quickly.

The peace and joy we gain is beyond the ability to articulate.

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Do we have something we can be a part of for a long time to come?

USATF homepage welcome
Do you have something you can be a part of for a long time to come?


Do we have something we can be a part of for a long time to come?

What if we did?

Could it change everything?

What’s the benefit to belonging to some sort of community or club or cause?

What’s the downside (or upside) of not?

It’s our choice and only our choice.

We know this.

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How can it not be done already?

inspirational tee shirt slogan
Do stuff that matters, like taking 100% responsibility for our wellness


Thanksgiving Eve. Have you had your 2013 annual physical yet?

Tough question. It’s almost the end of the year. How can it not be done already?

Finally scheduled mine last week, but the real insight is from the blood work results.

Hoping to schedule the appointment today (for next Friday when returning from biz trip) at Quest Diagnostics.

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