Ten health commandments from America’s unheralded (for now) work life balance expert

dream big health goals
never let your memories be bigger than your dreams

How long will you wait before seeing health improvements? Three weeks? Three months? Three years? Ten of the most amazing insights I hope you’ve glean from Lane 8:

1. Resolve to make health a lifetime habit
2. Remember that getting healthy is one thing
3. Staying there is entirely different
4. You have the rest of your life to make slow and steady progress
5. Don’t do too much, too soon
6. Be an example and not a warning
7. Be creative
8. Be forgiving
9. Never quit
10. Have fun

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Of course there’s the worry that an injury could happen anytime

injury recovery
to get injured again would be embarrassing and not fun

Of course there’s the worry that an injury could happen anytime. Aging, some things get easier, some more challenging. What lifts us up, or buries us, is how we approach the inevitable.

I’m making a game out of ramping up for the 2012 Masters Track and Field National Championships. Can I go back and perform well… with less, but more focused, training? Can I use rest and recovery in a completely innovative way for better results?

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