Countdown to Glacier 2024, body

National park trail text updates
For the first time in 50 years, i’m seeing and hearing about mountain lion sightings inside Glacier.

Every Continent has an apex predator. Some have more than one.

Grizzlies can kill humans.

So can Mountain Lions.

One is not predatory. One is.

For now, it feels like my finger is on the ‘predator’s pulse’. Meaning, last year there was a mention or two of Mountain Lions in GNP. Before that, nothing. Now this Summer there have been a couple already. It’s only a matter of time before there’s an uncomfortable encounter.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Waking up in your own bed, body

Google map
Upper left corner, 5:29am. Goal was 5:30am departure.

Not only are we waking up in our own bed for the first time in three weeks (which we wouldn’t trade being gone those three weeks for anything), we are privileged to exercise in our established community, (sleep in our own bed), and eat in our own dining room.

Simple pleasures and privileges.

Easy to take for granted when you do them day in and day out.

But miss them for an extended time and marvel at how much you missed them.

What seems like a mundane daily routine can paradoxically feel like the royal, VIP treatment.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Sitting for 36 hours

We will mostly sit for the next 36 hours.

It happens.


But it happens.


Globe trotting.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Final 24 hours in Australia, body

Two kangaroos
Four kangaroos look like only two. But there are two hiding in plain sight.
12-second video: The end of this clip shows the Roo jumping.
37-second video: One of the ‘invisible’ Roos becomes visible here.

Reflecting on the past three weeks and the next 24 hours, this is a dominating physical thought….

Motivation is strength.

To have strong motivation is the key to physical vibrancy.

Note: Aging has an unusual way of convincing humans that it’s time to relax. Once we start sitting more than we move, our decline wins. i am highly motivated to .think and .act .differently

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

So American?

four adults posing in a photo
Denise and her husband are the new owners. With our frequent apartment visits over 8 weeks, we had many encounters and developed a brief friendship.
student by apartment sign
A final ‘final shot’ to say farewell.
3 adults posing
Next we visited University Hospital of the Sunshine Coast to thank the infusion team.
front desk hotel
Pianica and Julie (pictured here) were the two who checked us in and took us to our room.The flowers and card on the left are from us.

Being grateful and thankful, and not expressing it is similar to receiving a gift but never opening it.

Context: We appreciated what others did for us, and especially what they did for our son. The smiles and verbal thank yous we gave (ultimately) didn’t match what we wanted to convey. So we went the extra-mile.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.