Physical mediocrity

Mountain lake
Looking forward to experiencing Bowman Lake this summer.

Some day.


Physical mediocrity flourishes if we never discover our purpose. Or, when we slowly get bored with our purpose and drift away, uncaringly.


Live like i mean it.

Be an example, not a warning.

Have fun.

.think .differently

Lean into discomfort.

Age gracefully.

Age vibrantly.

Do impossible things, showing others, especially your children, the way.

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What the world owes you

Apple Watch fitness app
Walked 5 miles through the local area and did my no-gym gym workout. As i write this at 5 PM, i’ve walked another 5.5 miles in the yard simply from moving hoses to water the new replacement palm trees.

The world owes you nothing.


It feels amazing to surrender to this irrefutable life fact.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

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All day, everyday

Bay of Fundy inlet
Yesterday morning out my Canada office window.
Bay of Fundy inlet
Another view.
Bay of Fundy inlet
Zooming out.
Bay of Fundy inlet
This morning, before 6:00 AM.

Let your body wander and wonder.


Because of yesterday’s ‘all-day work day’, there was little wandering.

But the whole day was filled with wonder.

Whether i wander or don’t wander, i always wonder.

And even on rest days or minimal wander days, i still go outside to wander.

Probably wandered a couple miles in the multiple trips from hotel to venue and back.

There was an unplanned evening jaunt.

While watching the sunset from my apartment deck, cheering and shouting caught my attention.

So i went outside and wandered in that direction.

Acadia University gym
Acadia University gym. Last night on the walk to the bleachers.
Nighttime soccer match
Acadia University athletic stadium. Last night.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

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Walking is a great cleanser

apple watch fitness app
Walked another 1.6 miles before returning to Hotel Wolfville.

Walking and running is my go-to elixir to prep for anything important.


Walked 11 miles yesterday in and around Wolfville.


One, i could.

Two, i wanted to.

Three, it helped me prep for this morning’s Disney Customer Service speech.

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Wolfville here we come

small town summary
Population 4,200. Small town.
small town summary
“Nova Scotia’s coolest small town.”

Born and raised in a small town. Probably die in a small town.

John Mellencamp and dad

Wolfville is a Canadian small town.

Yesterday was inconspicuously epic.

Not gonna lie, it’s a bit intoxicating.

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