Blogging reminder

Ukraine news update
Talk about the weight of the world on your shoulders. Zelenskyy, Biden, Putin, Xi.

Blogging reminder…

Sometimes it’s one day. Sometimes several days or even weeks at a time.


Writing deviates from the traditional daily mind, body, spirit, work, and home karma.

Occasionally a theme of some importance, or simply a writing experiment, will have the five differently-themed website blogs take on a different type of functionality.

Long-term readers (like myself) understand this and roll with it.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Categorized as Sharing Tagged

Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy at Massage Envy (ME).

ME has a new meaning based on yesterday’s 90-minute therapy session.

It dawned on me yesterday that the reason for the two to three massages a month is because of ME.

ME…Massage Extravagance.

Meanwhile there is continued daily bombing of Ukraine, a rising civilian death toll and an astronomically insane refugee count (over 3-million and growing).

It is easy to feel guilt and embarrassment during the physical therapy sessions.

But then the ME (massage extravagance) reality that ME (Massage Envy) was inappropriately charging me every month for 24 months.

What began months ago, well before any sign of war, was just a guy trying to use up the two-year’s worth of credits that ME refused to refund – not even refund half.

Been in and out of running (slowly) pain-free. When a pain flareup happens, Michelle does her therapy magic on the hot spot. So far it’s working.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Any given week

Arnold Schwarzenegger
Artfully crafted message to Russia.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Can you imagine living in a Country that censors reality? Maybe America does it. Maybe it’s business that censors. Eventually, thanks to social media, the truth cannot be hidden forever.

Any given week anything can happen.

Thank you Arnold Schwarzenegger for illustrating this phenomenon.

Bonus: Arnold’s full 9-minute video is here. Obviously when today’s posts publish six-plus months from the day this is being written, no telling where the world will be. God willing, September 27, 2022 humanity has united to a renewed world-view peace commitment.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Categorized as Wrong Tagged

Was this avoidable?

Apple TV marketing new series, Severance
Two episodes in. This is a uniquely weird series. Apparently balance is so elusive, you have to sell your soul for what you think will save your life.

Was this avoidable?

As i type this Russia is invading Kyiv.

Could this have been prevented years ago?

Similar to someone having a massive heart attack…there were habits, rituals, beliefs, fears, and avoidance, that if proactively addressed, would have averted the health wakeup call.

Heart attack.


Same difference, no?

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.