Pretty good movement

11-second video: What’s not to love about a hometown like this?
11-second video: Shot a bunch of these yesterday. From here and from other places. i love doing it. Why? It epitomizes ’going the extra inch’.

Move like you mean it now. For someday you may pray for the opportunity to do it daily.


i always take the stairs, no matter how many floors.


Some day i will likely yearn to be able to take a few steps up.

Note: When people take the elevator, or escalator, they have no premonition that one day it will be their only choice.

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Disney keynote speaker jeff noel
May 30, 1975. Steve Prefontaine (Pre) died in a tragic single car crash into this rock. Photo: February 2020, Eugene, Oregon, next to University of Oregon’s Hayward Field.

To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.

Steve Prefontaine

Today i walked five miles and “jogged” across the road intersections.

Perhaps i can quickly (since my body has rested the past 9 months) start running again like i was a year ago.

A year ago, May 2023, i was running (six-minute per mile pace) one or even two telephone poles at a time for a mile or more.

It felt like Heaven, considering i hadn’t been able to run, at all. Period. Not even at 15-minutes per mile pace.

Note: The difference between a 6-minute mile pace versus 15-minute mile pace is astronomical. The difference between trying to run, with severe pain, and running without pain is equally astronomical.

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Be Somebody

Facebook post
After a half century, finally catching wind of this Pre quote.

No matter how hard you train, Somebody will train harder. No matter how hard you run, Somebody will run harder. No matter how hard you want it, Somebody will want it more, I am Somebody.

Steve Prefontaine

Whether fitness or all endeavors, insatiable desire is your key to persistence.

And like i said yesterday, passion fuels persistence.

Essentially then, desire fuels passion, fuels persistence, fuels incredible results.

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Rewards and prisons

Apple Watch screen
Happy Mother’s Day, May 12, 4:29AM.
Flight board
Lake McDonald and the Continental Divide at dawn.
Fun wall mural
That coffee mug.

Habits are your reward or your prison.


It’s a great day for a great day.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Work(out) from anywhere

Outdoor deck
Lakeside patio deck or gym.
5-second video: Yesterday’s workout from anywhere snippet.

Save your best for now.


There’s logic in saving your best for last.

The crescendo.

Perhaps it works well in some domains. Say a book, movie, or song.

But perhaps it’s not a mindset for life.


Fundamentally, we don’t know when our crescendo is relevant.

Books, movies, and songs are scripted. The writer gets to plan the crescendo’s timing, intensity, and duration.

Life doesn’t come with a script writer.

Or does it?

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.