Rest is pro-level

Apple iPhone alarm app screenshot
Got eight hours of sleep last night, but had to sleep-in two hours past my normal routine in order to get those eight. Knowing today is a rest day, there was no need to be out before sunrise, walking.

Just had a crazy thought. Imagine that.

If you want to be pro-level at something, wouldn’t the first and obvious path be personal vibrancy?




Simplicity is operational genius.

Since you’re in charge, make your life ridiculously simple.

And then be brilliant at the basics (move, rest, fuel).

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Few comrades will lift you up

Apple Watch fitness app
First leg of today’s workout.
Apple Watch fitness app
By 11:00AM (Watch’s upper right) added another 1.5 miles from first leg
Apple Watch fitness app
Added another 1.5 miles by 1:30PM (Watch’s upper right).
Apple Watch fitness app
Another mile, plus a bonus mile not captured in a photo. An 11-mile walking total. Grateful.

Find a million ways to stay motivated to rise above poor-health camaraderie.


You are gifted with the most incredible piece of cosmic design, a human body.

This gift, this temple, houses everything keeping you alive.

Find a million ways to stay motivated to rise above poor-health camaraderie.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Less is better than more

Apple Watch fitness app
Walked 14 miles yesterday and to give my feet a rest i chose to bicycle this morning. As i write this at lunchtime today, i’ve walked 3 miles in the yard doing yardwork. Now it’s time to get ready to celebrate Independence Day.

Less is better than more.



Less excuses is better than more excuses.

Less complaining is better than more complaining.

Paradoxically, more movement is better than less movement.

More sleep is better than less sleep.

More nutrition is better than less nutrition.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Comfort’s pursuit

Disney parking lot
Preferred parking row at Epcot. Today.
Family of three in front of spaceship earth at Epcot
His first trip back to Epcot in six months. Today.

Aging accelerates as we pursue comfort.


Don’t pursue comfort. Pursue vibrancy.

The more i sit, the more i want to sit.

The more i move, the more i want to move.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Countdown to Glacier 2024, body

National park trail text updates
For the first time in 50 years, i’m seeing and hearing about mountain lion sightings inside Glacier.

Every Continent has an apex predator. Some have more than one.

Grizzlies can kill humans.

So can Mountain Lions.

One is not predatory. One is.

For now, it feels like my finger is on the ‘predator’s pulse’. Meaning, last year there was a mention or two of Mountain Lions in GNP. Before that, nothing. Now this Summer there have been a couple already. It’s only a matter of time before there’s an uncomfortable encounter.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.