Salmon fresh from Alaska

Exquisite dining at North Bay Grill - Kalispel, Montana
Exquisite dining at North Bay Grill – Kalispel, Montana


Fresh Alaskan Salmon in Kalispel Montana
Salmon flown in same day – a very healthy alternative


Salmon fresh from Alaska. This balanced out the Chick-fil-A drive-thru breakfast and skipping lunch from all day air travel.

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The great summer of 2012

health goals
Millenia Mall shop sign, Orlando, FL caught my eye...

Running has been going better than it has in four years. It’s as if someone who missed an Olympic opportunity, now, four years later, has a second chance to fulfill a childhood dream. Four years is a long time. Heck, one year is a long time. That’s how long it’s been since we began the Summer of 2011.

How are your health and wellness goals for 2012 humming along? (I don’t expect comments, just the fact that your answer to yourself pleases you)

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