In fact, if i said this to everyone i know, i’d lose many friends.
A zealot is challenging to be around.
Take politics, religion, fashion, etc.
Take personal vibrancy.
Take physical vibrancy.
It used to be challenging for me to think about and focus on my personal physical health responsibility. A busy life often makes health goals low priority.
These days my personal vibrancy mantra raises the bar: Everything matters. Nothing is optional.
Because if a panel of experts were to issue me a grade, it’d be awesome to get an A+.
Note: i’m expecting an A+ from the panel. Sounds too good to be true doesn’t it?
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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.
28-second video: Got news today that sounded too good to be true.32-second video: It’s fun to not have to follow rules and not have any expectations except to enjoy the writing process, and, what it teaches me.
If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Sage wisdom
Life has been restricted since returning from Glacier nine months ago.
What would be incredible news for me?
Theoretically, it’s obvious.
• • • • •
This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.
Working diligently to make most snacks superfoods. This is on top of making meals that center around superfoods. Photo: Our first avocado bud. We planted the small tree a year ago.
When it comes to physical vibrancy, no one my age (or perhaps any age) cares more, thinks deeper, works harder or reaches higher.
Two days ago i wondered if it was possible to summarize to any/every medical professional i encounter, my physical health “differences” compared to how nearly every “senior” adult approaches their health.
Context for why this is critical for my health…
Want to mitigate being placed in a low results, low action, low motivation category. You know, being profiled as an old person who just needs to accept the aging process.
Bottomline, i do not fit, and refuse to fit the senior mold.
i’ve lived unintentionally and intentionally over 60+ years. An intentional “highest” bar is an easy choice for me. Hope it is for you too, if you so desire.
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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.
Our house guest brought a pound of Maryland crab meat to Florida. We are the lucky beneficiaries.
6-second video: crème brûlée, homemade.
i will never ask anyone something i haven’t already asked myself.
Q. How focused are you on your personal vibrancy excellence?
A. None of your business. (My estimated human response, whether stated or thought).
Insight: i know no one who thinks deeper, reaches higher, works harder, or cares more about personal vibrancy. i may have friends who do but it isn’t obvious. If it was i would ask their advice on all five big choices. It would be so amazing to have a fellow heretic in “life’s laboratory”.
Rising my life’s five bars to the highest level lights my fire. Personal vibrancy is the excellent interconnection between all five of life’s big choices.
Note: Had i never become a teacher (age 40) i am certain none of this high bar stuff would have reached a lifelong heretical level.
Bonus note: If there was a fellow vibrancy heretic in my life, it could potentially be a curse as much as it seems like it would be a blessing. It’s not lost on me that i might hate what i see in the other. Finally, if i wasn’t a teacher (to myself and family) i am certain i would never talk about it let alone write and publish about it.
Humility is critical in my life.
So is teaching.
Teaching is a sacred privilege and obligation.
And .thinking .differently is a superpower.
So proclaiming what i think and do (and don’t do) is a sacred privilege and obligation.
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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.