We started running yesterday, pretty scary

Yesterday, Halloween, my son and i began jogging. We went from our mailbox to our neighbor’s mailbox.


At 15, and as a High School freshman, our son is seeing things that didn’t concern him before. It’s generally considered a rite of passage that teens start seeing a bigger picture as they mature.

Roughly 75% of his High School participate in sports.

Athletics are a great way to get involved. And a great way to learn how to start taking care of the temple that houses everything keeping us alive.

Our pace was (intentionally) slower than walking, by the way.




This website is about our physical health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my spiritual health website, click here.

What do we invest in that won’t bear fruit for 15 years?

Alarm clock image screen shot
Random screen shot from laptop


Dear Son, it’s evident you’ve begun your revelation into understanding the importance of a healthy body. Your motives for exercising will ebb and flow over time. Eventually your motive will simply be to remain healthy and active.

And you will get to this place when you fully understand that being as healthy as you can be is directly linked to personal integrity, gratitude, and happiness.

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To cap off those glorious 36 hours, the talk of a lifetime before driving

Epcot Teppan Edo
Dined here more than all other Disney World restaurants combined


A huge benefit to living balanced is the ability to prioritize fairly easily and intuitively. Meaning if something feels off balance, even just a little, we can spend our energy getting back into synch.

Family time or exercise?

Both, even with extremely limited time.

Windermere 5k one morning, gym afterwards, dinner together at Epcot later, a serious father/son talk, and five mile run yesterday.

To cap off those glorious 36 hours, the talk of a lifetime before driving to the airport yesterday afternoon.

The harder we work, the luckier we get.

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Dear Son, if one can happen so can the other – bank on this

United Kingdom at Epcot sidewalk chalk art
We can make anything more beautiful with just a few special touches


Dear Son,

Until Winter’s International trips to sub-freezing temperatures, a sub six-minute mile was easy. Like a walk in the park. At will. On demand.

Today’s run will attempt to do it for the first time in several tries.

Setbacks happen.

Son, so do comebacks.

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Dear Son, how cool is it to start something?

Scene from God's Not Dead
There will always be a million reasons to quit or back down


Dear Son, how cool is it to start something?

How scary is it that it may quickly fade…. “like it always does”?

Biking everyday and walking…

As natural as anything can be for a human body.



It either becomes a part of life or it doesn’t.

We know this.

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