Long term outcomes

Long term outcomes stem from your repetitive hourly, daily, and weekly decisions.


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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Categorized as Quotes Tagged

Patiently vibrant

Heads up, the rest of today’s posts intentionally have no photo.

Patiently vibrant.

Slowly increasing reps and mileage.

Reintegrating stretching into a consistent nighttime routine.

The long way is the short cut.


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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Physically by design

peanut butter and banana sandwich
Breakfast on the road. Thank goodness for a local grocery store.

Your health is by design or by default.


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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Categorized as Quotes Tagged

To give anything less

back side of a t-shirt being worn by a man in a gym
Dear self, please do not sacrifice the gift.

Steve Prefontaine is an American distance running legend.

Pre is the only athlete Nike has immortalized with a bronze statue.

Pre’s quoted on the back of my t-shirt above:

To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.

Steve Prefontaine

Did i mention something big is going down?

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

What you move

Apple Watch and a daisy
A few minutes ago. Bicycling 21 miles, or biked for one hour and 40 minutes – depends how you measure things. Either way, it was decent movement.

How you move is who you become. 


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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.