There Are Only A Few Critical Steps To Getting Healthy, Do You Know Them?

This trip provided the luxury of a kitchen, but not a grocery store, nor time to cook.

In the coming days, I’ll be sharing the steps I took to get healthy, and the steps to stay healthy – for the past 13 years.

Insight: When you can break complex, difficult things into simple, key, repeatable message points, you increase the stickiness of your goals. And everyone wants ideas that stick.

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Hope Is Not Only Required To Get And Stay Healthy, It’s Demanded

I wouldn't rest until you figure out "why"! Does the answer scare you?

Hope is like a road in the country; there was never a road, but when many people walk on it, the road comes into existence. – Lin Yutang

Insight: Fatal flaw most people make in trying to get healthy is they focus first on “how”. You should solidify why first. Without the a compelling “why“, how will never have sustainability. Never.

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Yes, Healthy Behavior Is Contagious

One simple habit. Choosing wisely.

When you’re in the company of a very healthy person, it’s nearly impossible to make poor food choices. You can still make routine poor choices, but the detrimental effect of your routine choices is way more obvious.

Insight: If you hold yourself more personally accountable when you hang out with healthy people, you are on to a key success factor – for when you are not with a healthy role model.

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