And so it goes, physically

10-second video: Heading to where it all began 50 years ago.

Life is a constant dance with opposites.


It has been over 24 hours since yesterday’s one-week post op exam.

Spent the entire time (99%) inside.

No moving tree-watering hoses. No weed pulling. No nuthin’.

Doctor’s orders.

Note: It’s an uncomfortable way to spend 24 hours.

As they say about sacrifice, “i’m taking one for the team”.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

May i ask you?

Medical doctor appointment reminder card
Dr Kumar won’t be in the office next Friday (a week from today). Thursday is always his dedicated surgery day. Wednesday (five days from now) is the next best option. i do not want to wait more than a week for a progress update.

May i ask you if the breakthroughs in eye surgery where made by people playing it safe?

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Feels good physically

If you’ve ever been ‘legally’ blind in one eye for a week, you know how scary it can be to have no guarantee for full recovery.

That said, late yesterday and continuing through late today i’m able to perceive movement and some color.

This is huge because in the beginning only a week ago it was mostly dark with virtually no light perception.

Eye feels ‘heavy, watery, and puffy’ from the four pairs of eye drops every four waking hours. Every pair is a drop to fight infection and a drop to fight swelling. This is day four. Still ten more days of drops.

In summary, feels like we are heading in the right direction, quicker than i expected after four days.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Not Back to Glacier, body

Man pushing wheel barrel in tropical yard
Photo: Two months ago was spending 10-12 hours working in the yard. Daily. For half a year straight. Now, the Doctor requested i become a couch potato for two weeks. No bending. No looking up. No lifting anything over 10 pounds.

Sitting passively, resting, feels like prison.


In jeff-land, sitting for prolonged periods is a dangerous activity.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Post Operation followup, body

Persons feet propped up, sitting on a patio chair.
Enjoying the victory over an irrational fear.
15-second video: Just some context to the video location.

Dr Kumar does surgeries on Thursdays.

After Monday’s loss of sight and a walk-in visit to my local Eye Doctor, it was fate that led directly to Dr Kumar late Monday afternoon.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.