How daily habits hurt

Procrastinating on your dreams will eventually make them unattainable. For example, do things before you are too weak to do them.

The key to great, helpful, vibrant habits is to over-focus on what you used to under-focus on or ignore.

You either floss everyday or you don’t. Which one hurts your health? Which one enhances?

It’s that simple.

It’s that obvious.

Then multiply it out for all the things your body needs to thrive.

Neglect, over time, is a living hell.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Free to exercise?

Sticker on a  Residential street
Context from today’s first MLC post.

When you are imprisoned by an unrealistic standard of living, you are not free.

Credit card debt and loans provide a false sense of aquisition accomplishment.

Sure, mortgages are a non-optional rite of passage for many. The size home, and the street address can add more to the mortgage than is necessary.

Then we have to work so hard to retrofit ourselves into this false sense of achievement that lenders lured us into. We may never get it to fit.

A major sacrifice is free time to exercise and sleep well. Why? We have to work so many hours. Why? We got in over our heads. Why? Because…the herd mentality – if everyone’s doing it, it must be the way. That path (the way) is a trap to a perverse and pervasive, socially accepted imprisonment.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

You cannot be unhealthy

Archer headshot
Missing just one bullseye can cost you the Olympic Gold medal. Transfer this high performance bar to your daily health habits. What do you gain?

You can not be unhealthy.

You can be unhealthy.

Pick the one that makes the most sense.

It’s your sole responsibility to pick wisely.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Are you physically trustworthy?

Mega Con 4-day pass
My only excuse for never going is never being exposed to comic books. Disney+ enlightened me to the Marvel franchise.

In hindsight, i never truly trusted myself when i made habitual excuses for not being vibrantly healthy.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Scroll diet and workouts

Cinderella castle 50th anniversary logo
Is 50 over-the-hill? Maybe scroll Facebook to find out.

Scrolling and beneficial wellness habits – inextricably linked?

Sorry, that was a joke.

But in reality, it’s no laughing matter.



Especially long-term.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.