To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.
Steve Prefontaine
Today i walked five miles and “jogged” across the road intersections.
Perhaps i can quickly (since my body has rested the past 9 months) start running again like i was a year ago.
A year ago, May 2023, i was running (six-minute per mile pace) one or even two telephone poles at a time for a mile or more.
It felt like Heaven, considering i hadn’t been able to run, at all. Period. Not even at 15-minutes per mile pace.
Note: The difference between a 6-minute mile pace versus 15-minute mile pace is astronomical. The difference between trying to run, with severe pain, and running without pain is equally astronomical.
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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.
No matter how hard you train, Somebody will train harder. No matter how hard you run, Somebody will run harder. No matter how hard you want it, Somebody will want it more, I am Somebody.
Steve Prefontaine
Whether fitness or all endeavors, insatiable desire is your key to persistence.
And like i said yesterday, passion fuels persistence.