In April 1999, i began running one mailbox a day for a week.
Each new week for many months i’d add an additional mailbox.
Mailboxes in my neighborhood are 100 meters apart.
So in four weeks for example, i was running 400 meters total without stopping – the equivalent of one lap around a High School track.
Pretty impressive, right?
In 2002 i ran my first 5k.
In 2005, i competed in my first Masters Track event in Orlando.
i got hooked on the karma older athletes demonstrate.
Fast forward a decade and i represented USA in the M50-54 age group at 400 meters at the 2009 Masters Track & Field Outdoor World Championships in Finland.
Finished as the World’s 43rd fastest M50-54 400-meter sprinter.
Telling you that to provide context for this…
Recently won a bronze medal at the Masters Track & Field Indoor World Championships.
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