Being tired increases the odds for a poor side effect

Central Florida's Interstate 4 near Walt Disney World
Busy, fast-paced, pressure-filled days are the standard.


Being tired increases the odds for a poor side effect – being irritable and impatient.

We don’t need to be tired to act this way, but it sure accelerates the symptoms.

Exhaustion is a heavy burden to carry.

It’s not fair.

At all.

Figure it out.

We know this.

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Four deadly things the herd loves

Fully stocked Movie Theater candy counter
So easy to indulge when you live in a first world country


The herd loves:

  • excess
  • distractions
  • medications
  • entertainment

The movement loves these things too, just differently.

In moderation.

And self-control.

Because the payoff is exponentially higher, which seems out of reach to the herd.

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