At O’Hare yesterday, I almost puked watching this

Chicago O’Hare airport

At O’Hare yesterday, I almost puked cried watching this – the overwhelming number of people carrying around much more than they needed. All that extra luggage. Not Samsonite. Not gift bags…

But I hate to exercise, it’s no fun.

No kidding. I get that. Seriously. There are no excuses that I’ll listen too. None. Sorry. Have a nice day.

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Just following doctor’s orders?

blind spots
the writing is on the wall… or is it ourselves we see in the mirror… or not

Thirteen years ago a doctor prescribed diet and exercise to a 40 year old man with high cholesterol, including dangerously low HDL (the good cholesterol).

Why would we not comply with doctor’s orders? I mean, if our aging parents were given strict orders to follow, to keep themselves alive, wouldn’t we expect our parent(s) to comply?

Today’s story has another little twist – we’ve become the people our parent’s warned us about.

Taking the next two days off, on purpose

healthy eating
the benefits of healthy eating outweigh those of any diet

There is no diet that will do what healthy eating does. No pill that does what exercise does.

Will lean on that while in Spring Grove, Pennsylvania.

Worked hard to get five running days in this week, knowing travel and could temperatures were waiting. Feels good when the plan comes together.

And too often, it just feels easier to listen to excuses for quitting.

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