Marketers confuse us into believing it’s about looks

Healthy salad for a table of four
Crazy what consistently healthy food choices do to us


At the heart of all wellness is simply keeping everything that runs the equipment (our body) in good, practical working order. That’s it.

Marketers confuse us into believing it’s about looks.

It not.

It’s about functionality.

And things that work well tend to have greater karma.

Mental floss?


Thoughts about exercise?


A minute for our spiritual center?


Three keys to a healthy, balanced life summed up in this tag line…

Husband and wife hugging at awards ceremony
Dumb question, What’s more important than Family? (photo: Michelle Sindy)


Three keys to a healthy, balanced life summed up in this tag line…

reThink – rePrioritize – reCommit

Contemplate what’s working and what’s not.

Reshuffle our deck.

Move forward with a new, wiser focus and purpose.

PS. Simple does not mean easy. But simple does mean what it says – simple.

Next Blog


If someone asked us this question, would we be happy with our answer?

Children watch their parents and subconsciously learn values
This was 2009, now our Son is almost as tall as me


If someone asked us these questions, would we be happy with our answers? Do we exercise regularly? How long has it been like that?

You know, I don’t ask these types of questions to stimulate our guilt, but rather to stimulate our conviction.

The photo was taken moments before driving to the airport. After a decade of slow and steady exercise, I astonishingly represented the USA at the Masters Track & Field World Championships in Finland.

And now in 2013, 14 years after reCommitting to health, I’m still running.

Mind and body done, next, a short, pithy post about our emotional spirit, click here.