First it’s one excuse and then another

2012 Walt Disney World marathon

First it was jet lag and the need for Family time. Now it’s a severe head cold and a busy schedule. This is what makes a huge difference for you in your life and your efforts to get and stay healthy – the indomitable will to keep going.

If your goal isn’t impossible, your’e not reaching high enough. Impossible isn’t making the Olympic team, impossible is never quitting. You know this.

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So yeah, I missed the first “race” of the season

personal greatness
Yes, YOU are awesome. For real. Please believe it.

So yeah, I missed the first “race” of the season. A local 10k was also sponsoring a 2-miler. Perfect. Two miles. Sounded fun since I’ve never run a 2-miler in competition before. Jet lag, falling behind with home chores and family time, I opted not to drive 30 miles before the sun came up.

Good call. Remember, the message in these little daily tales is we have the same challenges. Find a million ways to keep going. Check?

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July 4, 1776?

Independence day 2012
Independence has always been something worth fighting for
independence day 2012
Everyone has fought for independence at some point

To my fellow Americans, happy Independence Day! To every else, may your day be filled with peace, joy, and love, and hopefully a bit of refreshing exercise too.

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Thought I’d be able to run more (it didn’t happen)

Cape Cod
Never seen Cape Cod from this angle before.
Cape Cod, MA
Cape Cod, MA

We make plans, right? Say we’re going on a trip. We plan our arrival and departure and a few (or more) scheduled activities. Business appointments and meals are a given. I also plan eight hours sleep each night. What’s left is what we can call discretionary time – for running, sightseeing, etc.

Five days at Disneyland Paris. One 12-minute run. How did that happen? How does any of it happen? For any of us?

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