80 and Go!

Glacier National Park
GNP. Many Glacier.

You cannot know what you need to know if you don’t keep moving forward.


Get your plan or idea to 80% solved and launch. As you move forward and learn what you didn’t know, you can sweep up the crumbs as you go.


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The future doesn’t care if you’re ready

Glacier National Park
GNP. Grinnell Glacier Trail.

Poor living and poor personal accountability is like climate change. It’s bad for the long term. Ignoring facts doesn’t make facts go away.

dad (Jan 2020)

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Athlete vs athletic

Glacier National Park
GNP. Highline Trail view. Mt. Oberlin, left foreground.

Not everyone is an athlete. Yet everyone is athletic. Athletes compete. Being athletic simply means being fit.


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Categorized as Quotes Tagged

Implement like a boss

Glacier National Park

Creativity involves more than the easy, dreaming part. It requires the implementation part too. Never get bored with the basics. Find a million ways to stay motivated.


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Categorized as Quotes Tagged

Always busy, never in a hurry

Glacier National Park
GNP. The moon is faintly visible.

Experience has taught me this; that we undo ourselves with impatience.

Michel De Montaigne

Sometimes, quite often actually, i’m busy doing nothing.


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