Ten days

Website screenshot
Tip of the iceberg.

The good news is, ‘i know somebody’.

The bad news is i have no idea what their day or week looks like.

Meanwhile, the clock and calendar are ticking.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Countdown to Glacier 2024, body

National park trail text updates
For the first time in 50 years, i’m seeing and hearing about mountain lion sightings inside Glacier.

Every Continent has an apex predator. Some have more than one.

Grizzlies can kill humans.

So can Mountain Lions.

One is not predatory. One is.

For now, it feels like my finger is on the ‘predator’s pulse’. Meaning, last year there was a mention or two of Mountain Lions in GNP. Before that, nothing. Now this Summer there have been a couple already. It’s only a matter of time before there’s an uncomfortable encounter.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Start with six miles

Couple smiling for a photo
Photo: September 2022…looking forward to getting back within a week from today (mid-September, 2023).

Cherish when things take a sudden turn for the best.


Called Dr. Kumar’s office this morning.


Dr. Kumar wanted to see me in two weeks and said i could call to come in earlier if my sight got worse.


He didn’t say anything about what to do if things got better, faster.

Things are going better than expected.

So i called.

Moved the two-week appointment ahead by five days.


Because Dr. Kumar is going to like what he sees when he examines my retina.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Oasis of quiet, physically

Continental Divide cliff
Getting closer. The enormity of our location is lost in this photo.

Every situation, properly perceived, is an opportunity.


You cannot see or think optimally if you are not quiet and still.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Physical couch potato

hikers in the mountains
We’ve reached the saddle between Piegan and Pollock (seen behind us).
Apple Watch in the mountains
View from the saddle. Took us two hours…all up hill.
apple compass screen shot
270′ away from the top.
6-second video: Steve makes it look easy. Once you do it, it is. But there’s a fear factor the first time. This step puts you at the base of The Great Cleft.
hikers in the mountains
The Great Cleft. So much fun. So challenging. i asked if i could go first, to simulate doing it solo (in the future).
hiker in the mountains
At the top of The Great Cleft. Still 200′ vertical away from summit.

Keep moving forward.

Walt Disney

Pursuing physical vibrancy is a good and decent life goal.

No one would ever shun it if it was easy.

And it’s because it’s not easy that those who reach it, sustain it, and improve it are invisibly shunned by others.

No one likes to be wrong.

When none of your family, friends, or coworkers have physical vibrancy, you have no obvious conflict with others and therefore no guilt.

No guilt?

What guilt?

The guilt in knowing you haven’t embraced physical vibrancy because it’s hard and requires serious sacrifice.

The guilt in knowing that your friend has figured out how to slay the demons everyone says are un-slayable.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.