Three lessons Glacier taught me about physical health

View across Lake McDonald while standing at its shore in Apgar.

Three lessons Glacier taught me about physical health:

  1. The best way to exercise is to walk outside. 
  2. The quality of your nutrition and rest shows up the next day on the trail. 
  3. Exercise never feels like exercise when you hike Glacier trails.

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Keep that fire burning

June 09, 2019…2:30pm…already have rental car keys.

Keep that fire burning.

Before the modern world, fire kept most primitive people alive.

While we are no longer primitive, a roaring fire of motivation will keep our vision alive.

Is there anything more important than a will to make a contribution?

Start with yourself.

Become physically fit. Maintain and improve this over your lifetime – now there’s a vision of the future that’s not only better than now, but much better.

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It pays to be sneaky sometimes

Was impressed with the technology that provided a list of all alternative flight choices.

It pays to be sneaky sometimes.

Context: Our Delta flights to Glacier National Park got canceled 20 minutes before i ordered an Uber, delaying our departure by one day and providing an unexpected opportunity for me to squeeze in a gym workout.

Snuck in a normal two-hour workout yesterday (a Saturday) because i had been in Spain for five days, and, immediately did a “turnaround” to head to Montana.

Weather made an unchangeable change – we need to fly today, a day later than scheduled.

Awoke at 4am today, with no time to write before scheduling a Lyft. So i write this from 37k’ on the way to Minneapolis.

Son, life is as we make it. It will always be challenging. Learn to control the controllables (like our attitude and our personal processes) and surrender to what we can’t control (like the weather and a cancelled flight).

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Don’t listen to what i say

Harvard and Disney Business schools. Photo: London Gatwick airport yesterday.

Don’t listen to what i say, watch what i do.

Don’t believe, nor trust, a business guru (like Harvard Business School, Disney Institute, or me) who doesn’t speak about and insist on balanced excellence.

If you neglect your health in pursuit of wealth (or anything) this (chronic) neglect is a sure sign you are not pursuing excellence.

Health is wealth. – Grammy Felegy (mom’s grandmother, your great great mother)

Son, balance, in the early years is a pendulum, moving back and forth (or in and out) until you gain enough experience where it has far less sway and almost constant consistency.

As i finish my sixth decade today, my balance between mind, body, spirit, money, and hq is extraordinarily consistent compared to all the other decades.

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This is just wrong

Last night. Writing this at Madrid International Airport at 7am.

This is just wrong.

Only 4.5 hours of sleep in two days.

What have i become?

Pushing boundaries in a rare, unplanned, yet fascinating way.

Son, i do not recommend lack of sleep as an okay standard.

An exception, sure. Life happens.

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