Dancing with our body

Apple Watch fitness screen
Continuous jog. Four miles. No stops. No pain.

Dancing with our body means what?

It means seeing age as an opportunity to be the oldest kid on the block.

Hey, who’s that kid?

That’s Jeff, he’s in his 90s.

Somebody should tell him to get out of that tree.

(And Jeff thinks somebody should tell the nice neighbor to “shut up and climb”)

Dance with child-like enthusiasm.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

You can’t do anyone’s exercises

Disney souvenirs
No one in my family, on either side nor extended family, exercised.

You can’t do anyone’s exercises but your own.

Be the example, not the warning.

Your life is your message.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Chronic physical improvement

Goofy at Magic Kingdom
Goofy is as goofy does.

Chronic physical improvement defines your future.

You shun the urgent to focus on the important, non-urgent.

Chronic physical improvement also foreshadows your life’s quality in the final decades.


One, two, or even three decades of great wellbeing habits compounding over time.

Congrats on your lifelong honoring of the temple housing everything keeping you alive.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Festival practice

Jeff noel's physical vibrancy pillars
My physical vibrancy pillars. Be Ambitious makes perfect sense for your physical wellbeing, no?

Running is the religion.

Race day is the festival.

In 2022, each running day feels like race day.

i may never run competitively again.

What’s changed is the reality that simply running pain free is the gold medal.

What if Monday through Saturday wasn’t preparation for Sunday’s “Church”?

What if every day is the festival?

In running.

In “Church”.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Exercise patience and fairness

Small Cars toys at Disney University
Making people happy is why Disney exists.

Please note this update: Today’s five posts were written months ago. Remember, these blogs are a trail for our son…for him to hear and experience through my words what life blesses us with and how we honor those blessings. God has blessed me with a new, enlightened perspective. What you read today (written months ago) is not where i am now. Where i am now will delight and surprise you. It did me. Now, back to original, in-that-moment commentary…

Exercise patience and fairness.

Do unto others.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.