Dear Son, Walt Disney Said If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...
Turning the corner and no looking back...
Wow, look at that boy go!
I'm doing it, and it feels GREAT!
Ta-Da!!!! Success.

Dear Son, Walt Disney said, “If you can dream it, you can do it”. As you know, your Dad has studied Walt all his life and worked for Walt for 3/5th’s of it. I have been teaching you everything I know, and as you get older, the lessons will become more profound.

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Does God Equipes Us With A Vivid Imagination As Children So We Can Survive As Adults?

When was the last time you saw an adult cleaning windows with this accessory?

Dear Son, the reason God equips us with a vivid imagination as a child is so we can grow and develop our creativity into a survival tool as an adult. The more we exercise our imagination, the stronger it becomes. Use this to your advantage to find a million lifetime ways to stay active and make good wellness choices.

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Visualizing The Future Is An Innate Skill Humans Started Using As Toddlers

Thinking and plotting against alien invaders.
Ready to spring into action...the dynamic duo.

Dear Son, every child is blessed with a vivid and powerful imagination. And daydreaming comes naturally with young children. At a moment’s notice, we can fly – if it will help us avoid an alien encounter, or a dragon attack. This is God’s way of equipping us for survival as adults.

Use visualization creativity to help you stay well.

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Both Belief And Visualization Can Be Learned And Improved Upon

Time together, without distractions has been invaluable.

Dear Son, that recent Cub Scout camping trip we took with the Boy Scouts was the moment of truth in terms of visualizing the future in a much more positive place than we currently are. I was unaware of how you felt about your future. Together, we will move slowly and steadily to rewrite it.

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