Universal Studios entrance sign across the street from Dr Phillips High School.
Turkey Lake Road separates Universal Studios and Dr Phillips High School
Taking risks comes naturally when you consistently take risks.
Not taking risks comes naturally when you consistently refuse to take risks.
The gate was open even though school was in session. An open gate is an attractive nuisance.
i took it.
The first three 400 meter intervals were on the track before Roy, the groundskeeper/security host politely asked me to leave. We had a nice conversation and he understood that i was not offended.
With seven more 400’s to go, i simply jogged across Turkey Lake Road to the shady side – the Universal Studios side – to complete the track workout. Each interval started by the sign in the middle photo above and concluded 400 meters down the sidewalk. Recovery was the walk back to the sign to begin again.
It was a nice start. An official start to 2015 track season. Ten times 400 meters at 90-95 seconds each with a 400 meter recovery walk.