One hundred days since we promised… where are we today?

Jack the Teddy Bear in Lake Tahoe tee shirt shop
Jack the Teddy Bear in Lake Tahoe tee shirt shop


clever saying in Lake Tahoe tee shirt shop
clever saying in Lake Tahoe tee shirt shop


One hundred days since we promised ourselves 2013 is gonna be different… where are we today? Something about the end of the year, another year that got away from us. Too busy to focus on our health the way we wanted to.

Many of us recommitted with a white hot resolve that 2013 is OUR year!

One hundred days later, here we stand.

Where do we stand?

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Top five things I’ve ever done?

been on PCH with Cheryl, for work, with Jesus, but not with Chapin (not yet)


Becoming healthy as a lifestyle – rather than as a need – is probably the best thing I’ve ever done, right after these four other chronological milestones:

  1. marrying Cheryl
  2. choosing Disney for a career
  3. becoming a Dad
  4. loving Jesus more than anything

* * * * *

This month jeff noel is encouraging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. It’s a breeze to go from this physical health blog to the spiritual health blog, just click -> go to Next Blog


Are you willing to try new positions?

Sure, a question like this can instantly head south, but let’s keep it clean. Only since civilized society kicked in in the last 5,000 years, has the toilet evolved.

Cancer is a household word. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD – Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis) is not.

There are rare occasions when conventional wisdom is challenged so logically and powerfully. This is one of those times:

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Celebrating being able to move in Celebration, Florida

Celebration, Florida
downtown Celebration, Florida – October 2012
400 meters
1/4 mile equals 400 meters… perfect for Lane 8’s dream
Celebration, Florida
celebrating being able to move in Celebration, Florida

Yesterday the opportunity to run in Celebration, Florida presented itself rather spontaneously.

We all know that living each day to the fullest is either one of two things:

  1. A wish
  2. A reality

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Better than or about what you expected?

Watermelon 5k resultsBetter than or about what you expected? The annual Track Shack Watermelon 5k run had 4,000 runners and walkers. It’s become a tradition to start July 4th by running this hot and humid race. It went better than expected.

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PS. Traditions, fun, and goals are three great ways to stay motivated.