Odds of me dying from getting hit while running are so much less

Masters runner running near Disney's Cast entrance
Master’s runners can cover a lot of territory in a single run


He said, “I worry about you. You should wear a colored shirt or reflective vest when you run. It’s hard for drivers to see you in a white shirt.”

The odds of me dying from getting hit while running are so much less than the odds of him dying of a heart attack or some other sedentary lifestyle induced disease.

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The great Summer of 2013 in our body

Gold's Gym location sign
Intimately aware of the desire to not go to the gym


The great Summer of 2013 in our body? Five pulse-check questions:

  1. Are we satisfied with our health?
  2. How long have we been this way?
  3. What do we need to do?
  4. Why aren’t we doing more of that?
  5. Are Summers more fun when we can move?

Everything is an investment. Nothing invested, no dividends paid.

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It can get a little confusing but it doesn’t have to be

Magic Kingdom rope drop at 8:53am, March 2013
Magic Kingdom rope drop at 8:53am, March 2013


It can get a little confusing but it doesn’t have to be. We all struggle with the demands on our time, energy, priorities. There are no exceptions.

And then there’s this Mid Life Celebration blogging thing where the author, jeff noel (yeah, that’s me), talks about himself and shares photos of himself.

Egotistical jerk-a-saurous, right?

There is no theory here. Only a guy constantly struggling like everyone else.

He had two days planned rest, then two additional days he was forced to not run due to a heavier work load.

And yesterday ran a 5:52 mile. In practice. Alone. Headwind.

Insight: Have no remorse in telling excuses to kiss our butt.

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Twice in 10 days doesn’t sound extraordinary, but it can be

School door sign
Let us learn that not quitting is it’s own reward


Twice in 10 days doesn’t sound extraordinary. Should it? Exercising twice in 10 days almost seems poor.

Setting a personal record in a core exercise and then repeating it 10 days later is extraordinary.

Not quitting rewards us when we least expect it.

Rewards are not the goal.

Not quitting is the goal.

And not quitting is it’s own reward.

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