Who in the heck

27-second video: This video is the third try to explain what is explained in this video. The first two videos were too long and WordPress rejected them. Then i remembered a lesson learned about using the WP video option.
Disney keynote speaker
Roughly 24 hours ago. On Walt Disney World property.

Quotes. Original? Does it matter? Depends what you want out of life.


Think for yourself if you want the Universe’s treasure.

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Physical altitude

mountains and Pixar toy figurines
i love this place. If you can walk seven miles, at altitude, you can get here. If you can hike another seven miles in the same day you can get back.
Apple Watch at pool
Forgot to end the walk. So the time is wonky but the miles are accurate.

How healthy can you become? Is there a limit?


In 1981 while attending the North Carolina Outward Bound School during spring break, i learned the only limitations i have are those i impose upon myself.

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Make your body a cherished friend

Dave sent this yesterday while i was walking five miles before heading to the AV check at The Wyndham Bonnet Creek, next to Epcot.
Noels Cafe food truck
Dave and i met in 1978, at South Campus. We were freshmen Physical Education Majors.

Make your body a cherished friend.


Make your body a cherished friend?

Why wouldn’t i?

Why wouldn’t anyone?

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Get started like you mean it

Mountain sunrise
Looks like the sun is just rising. However, we are already at the destination. Love being an early bird.
Mountain waterfall
No one but us. Photos like this are easy. No competition for space or location.
Person standing next to mountain stream
We returned a few days later and jumped off the rock and bridge into frigid water.
Apple Watch at hiking trailhead
Parking is never available unless you arrive before sunrise. Then you get pick of the litter. There’s like 10 spaces.

Arriving first presents options no one else knows of.


Have always been a morning person. While in college i’d stay up for it. Now it’s early to bed and early to rise.

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Four men sitting on a rock
Mountain hiking offers many benefits. Including sitting on random rocks with great views.

There’s a magic at the top that is only found on the summit.



Pretty sure that’s accurate.

That’s the humble way to say, he’s a peak bagger.

A beginner peak bagger.

But a peak bagger nonetheless.

If you know the thrill, then you know.

i never knew until i knew.

Summits (57x as of April 2024): Oberlin (26x), Swiftcurrent (15x), Reynolds (3x), Pollock (2x), Piegan (1x), Cataract (1x), Lincoln (6x), Ahern (1x), Huckleberry (1x), Scenic Point (1x).

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

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