Where does one find motivation to do the hard stuff?

Tow truck
Came outside for fresh air at intermission. Signs like the one on the left are everywhere.


Tow truck
So surprised when their car is gone?


Tow truck
Accountability can be a bitch sometimes.


After dinner, you probably satisfy your sweet tooth.

And this quite possibly happens literally 365 days a year.

How long after that do you wait to brush and floss?

Be careful.

Over time (years/decades) you’ll begin losing teeth and look back with regret.

There’s your motivation for doing it tonight when it’s the last thing you feel like doing.


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Squeezing in a fourth teeth cleaning this morning

Men's eye glasses selection
After dentist, down the hall for eye measurements, then a meeting with a potential client.


Squeezing in a fourth teeth cleaning this morning.

Typical healthcare insurance pays for two cleanings per year. For years, i’ve paid out of pocket for a third.

Decided two days ago, with only 12 days until Christmas, to make 2015 the first year with two out of pocket cleanings (four total).


Why not may be an even better question. Teeth are such a huge asset. If we took better care of them, would they last longer?

Physical health expands beyond diet, exercise, and rest.




This website is about our physical health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my spiritual health website, click here.

1 More Thing About (Teeth) Passion

Find A Million Ways To Stay Motivated...
Find A Million Ways To Stay Motivated...

Did any of you pick up on the subtle message?

How do we give 100% day in and day out?

Doing the same thing over and over and over.

Whether it’s cleaning teeth, working at the call center, writing five daily blogs, or focusing on our health and wellness goals, how do we ensure we never go through the motions?

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