You can consistently make small (inches) choices like taking the stairs, parking in the last row, going to bed early, and always having apples and bananas in your kitchen (for snacking, or dessert).
Don’t let what you can’t do – train for a half-marathon – stop you from what you can do (the little things that add up).
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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.
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Dr Amir Zeid has a vision for American University of Kuwait’s TEDx events.
Omar Noir is as passionate as they come. A great first choice for lead off leg.
Melody Mitchell had the tough act of following Omar. Melody’s approach was a stark contrast and perfect balance from Omar’s speech.
The audience had been sitting for well over an hour before i started so i told Dr Amir (organizer) that i wanted 2 minutes to energize the audience. Used my signature selfie activity. As speaker #3, i closed out the first of 3 sessions.
Two enthusiastic audience members. The woman told me she recognized how i consistently went the extra inch in my TED Talk. Totally intentional.
Omar Khalil, speaker #4, did a live, two-minute phone app experiment that was incredible to witness.
Ali Hussain arrived just hours before the event. Spoke with him briefly and didn’t make a connection.
Such warm and enthusiastic attendees.
Waiting for Kuwait to Dubai flight at 10:30PM Saturday night. Floor seating was all that was available.
Refine your motive.
It’s a script you tell yourself.
Is more business your goal?
Or is more business your reward?
Without pointing fingers, a couple speakers, to me, felt like they were there to promote themselves.
And me?
There to plant the catalytic seeds necessary for personal and global transformation.
In the giving we receive.
Go the extra inch and your life begins transforming.
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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.
If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.