Let freedom ring…in the USA and in our health efforts

The White House
The White House, June 28, 2012

Let freedom ring…in the USA and in our health efforts. Yesterday’s early morning run through the National Mall in Washington DC allowed pause for reflection, even though the reflection pool is dry.

We must fight as hard for our freedom from doubt and insecurity as our heroic soldiers fought for our Country’s freedom.

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What’s Your Biggest Obstacle?

The Truth Can Be Very Scary
The Truth Can Be Very Scary

The biggest obstacle humans have, it seems, is that we want everything to be easy.

Marketers and Advertisers make their living making things easier for us, or making us believe things will get easier.

The brutal reality?

It just ain’t so.

The truth hurts. And it also sets us free.

Work hard today. And tomorrow. And like, for the rest of your life. We can coast when we’re dead.

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