C-ya real soon Hayward Field

Have never see a photo of Walt in a gym. Horseback playing Polo (as far as we know), but, no offense, not convinced it will ever be classified as regular exercise. It’s too challenging to do regularly.

C-ya real soon Hayward Field.

It’s official.

Jody Maberry, Cheryl, and i are arriving to Tracktown, USA in three days.

University of Oregon’s Hayward Field is hosting the 2020 USATF Olympic Trials. Hayward Field has hosted more USA National Championships and Olympic Trials than any other American track & field complex.

It’s a fitting location – as a lifelong track competitor/fan – to begin Season 5 of If Disney Ran Your Life podcast. Season 5 is about Body, our physical vibrancy.

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Super Bowl 54

Kevin Gober and me on the stage in Madison Square Garden theater for a Disney Institute rehearsal. January 2014.

Reminded by today’s Super Bowl about experiences that are routine to me but are actually rather remarkable to others.

For example, helping facilitate Disney Institute customer service training for all the game day staff and volunteers for Super Bowls 47 (Super Dome) and 48 (Met Life Stadium).

To us at Disney Institute, this was our daily job – help name-brand organizations get better at what they’re already good at.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.

Disney’s Shared Roadway

Yesterday riding home from Magic Kingdom, one of my favorite Disney roadsigns.

It’s likely that the shared roadway sign is for the North Services Area.

Since 1984, i have been bicycling through Walt Disney World (WDW), mostly as a way to get to and from work.

These days, kinda the same thing.

i can work from anywhere and i prefer WDW over just about anywhere, except Glacier National Park.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

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Cut through Disney to get to gym

Rode to Epcot yesterday, on the way to the gym.

Cut through Disney to get to gym.

On a bicycle.

Somewhere around 20 miles or so.

It was a lovely New Year’s Day morning treat.

Hope today and the rest of the week (month, year, decade, life) is filled with treats that you appreciate and enjoy.

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If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.

Brand you

Hey, what’s a bicycle doing in motorcycle parking?
Who rides their bicycle to Walt Disney World?

Local Meetup group has asked me to speak for 30-45 minutes in two weeks. Here’s what i’m thinking…

Title: If Disney Ran Your Life: The Remarkable Power of One

  • What is your personal brand?
  • Are you satisfied?
  • Do you get to do more than you have to do?
  • Have you heard of personal vibrancy?
  • Should you take care of yourself first?
  • Looking for simple, world-class, time-tested insight?
  • Ready to rethink, reprioritize, and recommit?
  • If not today, when? If not ever, why?

Kinda have “If Disney Ran Your Life” on the brain.


The official season launches in 3.5 weeks (January 25, 2020).

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.