Four actions to take when we are struck by a blinding flash of the obvious

Walking bridge near Celebration, Florida
Going for an outside walk during work is highly under rated


maple leaves in Spring
Notice the little things, simple things, and notice their sophistication


Four actions to take when we are struck by a blinding flash of the obvious (BFO):

  1. be still, and receive the BFO gratefully
  2. smile and laugh at it’s obviousness and our glaring blindness
  3. embrace the fear we feel that we’ll (yet again) ignore this moment, like we always do
  4. act in a way that makes us feel uncomfortable, but good, and do something different

There we have it. Easy as pie.

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Must tighten up the MLC short and pity trademark posts

Gold, but not Gold's Gym...
Gold, but not Gold’s Gym…


Mercedes Benz Superdome
Mercedes Benz Superdome


jeff noel in front of the Superdome
jeff noel likes the “I was there” photos, mostly for context


What do we do when one opportunity to exercise is taken away or reduced? Quit? No! Find another opportunity somewhere else. Stopped at Gold’s Gym on the way home from the Orlando airport.

Motivation is like a fire. It’ll go out unless we add fuel to it. Period. We know this. Figure it out.

* * * * *

This month jeff noel is encouraging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. It’s a breeze to go from this physical health blog to the spiritual health blog, just click -> go to Next Blog


Performance breakthroughs are a favorite way to fuel this critical success factor

motivate yourself
Mary Poppins sure knew how to motivate


Performance breakthroughs are a favorite way to fuel this critical success factor…

The motivation to keep going.

Note: Blew a previous personal-best core test out of the water by 10%

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Insight: No improvement (also no digression) for nearly a year, and when it would be easy to quit, a breakthrough, and greatly motivated by the conviction that hard work pays off. Eventually.

Three great ways to carry the Olympic spirit with you every day

Masters athletics exists because deep down everyone knows health is wealth. Everyone.

olympic spirit

Three great ways to carry the Olympic spirit with you every day:

  1. Be relentless in knowing exactly what it stands for
  2. Be relentless in remembering your part is to do more than just know
  3. Be tireless in your daily efforts to keep moving forward by doing things

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Taking cross training to a completely unexpected level

Taking cross training to a completely unexpected level. The annual Track Shack Watermelon 5k is tomorrow. The past week running days have been nearly nonexistent. In it’s place, a back-breaking distraction…

Florida landscaping
my early resume consisted of outdoor jobs, like those needing a rake, shovel, wheel barrel
laying bricks
the bricks don’t move themselves

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