How would you answer this potentially trick question?

jeff noel working on incline sit up bench at Gold's Gym Orlando
Baby Boomers don’t have to think of aging as a sentence to poor health


How would you answer this (potentially) trick question?

Would you rather be the slowest of the fastest or the fastest of the slowest?

Try re-reading it if the obvious answer doesn’t jump out.

How we answer is where we set the bar in life, in general.

Life’s first two big choices covered for today, now the third big choice gets it’s shot here.


Physical law of attraction

Disney's ESPN Wide World of Sports Baseball stadium
Excellence begets excellence


The law of attraction and the cliche birds of a feather flock together mean the same thing.

We attract and associate with others who are similar to us.

If we think, mumble, pronounce, “I hate exercise”, it’s time to look in the mirror, and get over it.

It may also be time to look for new friends (in extreme cases), or to convince our friends it’s time for a new look (more likely).

We’ve covered mental and physical, now scoot over to emotional (spiritual), click go.


Our health should take a back seat to nothing

Chevron Gas Station sign about juggling life's priorities
Chevron Gas Station sign reminds us life can be very busy


Our health should take a back seat to nothing.

Health is wealth. – Anna Felegy (my wife’s Grammy, RIP 1989)

Repetition is the mother of all learning.

Our health should take a back seat to nothing.

Mind and body done, next, a short, pithy post about our emotional spirit, click here.


We must constantly resist the temptation to give up what we want most

Giraffe at Disney's Animal Kingdom Safari
There are a million reasons not to exercise


We must constantly resist the temptation to give up what we want most, for what we want right now.

If you regularly exercise, and I don’t mean some bull crap casual “exercise”, well done.

If you haven’t regularly exercised in so long you can’t remember, may I ask a sincere, and direct question?

Why the hell not?

Sorry, someone close to me committed suicide two days ago, and the things I normally worry about – like asking pointed, but extraordinarily important questions – are things today that don’t seem too worrisome in the big picture.

Mind and body done, next, a short, pithy post about our emotional spirit, click here.