Photo montage from French Quarter run

Westin New Orleans
Sunrise is not far away from the French Quarter
jogging in French Quarter
Royal Street near the Westin… just getting started
Decatur Street
looking back provides insight on what we’ve accomplished so far
french quarter
sun just popping up
French Quarter
eye catching color palates
Bourbon Street
Bourbon Street looking west toward Canal Street (on the far horizon)
Bourbon Street real estate
space available for rent right on Bourbon Street
jogging Bourbon Street
far left.. see the for rent sign?
empty Bourbon Street
Bourbon Street validation?
cleaning up Bourbon Street
cleaning up Bourbon Street

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Daily life… one foot in front of the other.

Just another day in paradise…


…6:45am appointment…

waiting room

Annual blood work done eight months behind schedule… better late than never…

Quest Diagnostics

Daily life… one foot in front of the other. How long do we postpone important life tasks? The important but not urgent things. Usually, the important things don’t become important until they become urgent.

Insight: It’s possible to greatly reduce urgency in life.

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Our daily grind does one of two things

Founding the Montessori teaching system must have been exhausting… and inspiring…

maria Montessori

How boring was yesterday’s post about foot pain? Our daily grind does one of two things:

  1. Exhausts us
  2. Inspires us

Taking life one day at a time is so much more fun to learn from. Real life, in real time. That’s all we have.

Insight: Invest heavily in inspiration.

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