Domino Project Voting Ends March 23

Came home from work yesterday to find a fun Facebook update, with 3 cool things:

  1. Contest for Initiators
  2. Deadline = 5pm Today, March 23
  3. Chance to be featured in a Kindle eBook, by Seth Godin

jeff noel has written 3,800 posts to encourage, inspire and challenge you.

He’s in Seth Godin’s Domino Project Contest. If you’d care to vote for him, click here.

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Couldn’t Take It Anymore

I tried, but just couldn’t take it anymore. Can’t stand the way the 5 Mid Life Celebration Blogs look without photos. This whole blogging ahead of time is for the birds too.

All jeff noel blogs are made from scratch, 365 days a year. Every photo/image comes from my personal camera. It’s just what I do. No one else does it. That’s why I have to go back.

Moving forward with a childhood dream, your help in Liking Mid Life Celebration’s Facebook Fan Page would be considered a favor.

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Dear Readers

Fellow Dreamers, you know there’s (strategic) change brewing. March’s trip to Nova Scotia forced a one week solution. With Hong Kong on the horizon, the idea went even further. Plus March is ‘Put up or Shut up” month at MLC. And the amazing Domino Project Seth Godin launched, and, well….unstoppable. Click here for a SXSW Pokes (the Box) free eBook.

Dear Readers

Thank you for your messages. The past few weeks have been amazingly creative and inspirational. With accelerated learning. This means I will not go on hiatus in April, but instead opt for a different solution to get the 1st book done. Stay tuned.