Ran and walked, looked and listened – for two Hilo hours.

Suisan Fish Market Hilo, Hawaii
6:15am fresh catch being unloaded and prepped


Suisan Fish Market Hilo, Hawaii
6:15am fresh catch being unloaded and prepped (close up)


Hilo Harbor Beach very early Saturday morning
Hilo Harbor Beach very early Saturday morning


Hilo, Hawaii High School admin building
Hilo, Hawaii High School admin building


Hilo city hilltop real estate with great views
Hilo city hilltop real estate with great views


Hilo Hawaii Little League fielding practice
Hilo Hawaii Little League fielding practice


Hilo Hawaii Little League game
Hilo Hawaii Little League game


Ran and walked, looked and listened – for two Hilo hours. Finally a run (with walking and picture taking) after six days of not running.

Hilo, Hawaii offered an amazing array of beauty and diversity on a Saturday morning from 6:15am – 8:15am.

Felt strong. Felt invigorated.

And will use today as a rest day, netting one running day out of eight.

And so it goes people. And so it goes.

Keep going.

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Hey people, today is a brand new day, let’s go!

Electric company sub-station
Who’s got energy to exercise with travel and long days?


Hey people, today is a brand new day, let’s go!

If we want something to believe in, why not start with ourselves?

Can’t believe it’s been seven days since I’ve run. You know the feeling right?

Let’s do this!



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Some things are just not believable until you see for yourself

Hawaiian State park sign with Sea Turtle
A great night’s sleep is like a great day in business – everyone’s happy


Past two days teaching in Hawaii have offered no time for even the slightest exercise.

Not even a decent night’s sleep.

Some things are just not believable until you see for yourself. It’s actually amusing how challenging it is to see anything other than the hotel and airport.

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Dear readers, adapt and overcome

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park info board
Hawaiian’s have learned to adapt to (and overcome) the Volcanoes


Dear readers, adapt and overcome. Pushing our body’s boundaries often comes in sudden, steep climbs, like the one you might be on now.

Or like the one I’m currently experiencing.

Do your best.

Note to self – follow your own advice – you’re decently wise.

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