Unhealthy accidents (mistakes) can set you back.
Many unhealthy accidents stem from neglect.
Some unhealthy accidents then require a lifetime of full-time care. Care that would not be required if neglect (mistake/accident) wasn’t a thing for you.
Some unhealthy accidents (mistakes) are temporary. Learn from them.
Flip it around.
Many healthy ‘accidents’ stem from intentionality, focus, and discipline.
Some healthy accidents deliver a lifetime of physical vibrancy.
Some healthy accidents (mistakes) are temporary. Learn from them.
In 2020, after spending 50 consecutive days hiking in Glacier National Park (GNP), discovered you can become vibrantly well simply by walking a lot. And consistently walking above 6,000′ delivers more than physical vibrancy.
Note: In 2020 the original goal was to visit GNP for two weeks and come home by Labor Day. ‘Accidentally’ turned into a seven-week trip.
Final note: ‘Accidentally’ discovered after the fact i never again want to be away from family that long.
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