Hike up to Granite, body

13-second video: This would be scary if i wasn’t accustomed to being deep in, with no other humans but Cheryl.
Park trailhead sign
Not quite five miles to No Name Lake. (take the 3.1 miles on watch plus the 1.6 on the sign: 4.7 miles)
AllTrails screen shot
Discovered that AllTrails tells me Peak names. Upper/middle right, Flinsch Peak.
Pixar toy figurines in the mountains
Not quite five miles to No Name Lake. Flinch Peak (9,200’), upper right.

Listen to your body.


Knew when i awoke that my legs felt heavy. On paper i wanted to reach Dawson Pass. My body made the case for backing down.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

GPL day 4, body

8:20 AM. Two Medicine Lake is behind us.
13-second video: The Fox startled me. Why? Because it should have run off at my sight. It did not run.

Hiking eight to ten miles before noon never hurt anyone.


People have jobs.

i get it.

Heck i can write a (7) book(s) about it.

And now, i can hike 8-10 miles in the morning like it’s normal for most Americans.

It ain’t.

But it is for us.

As American (Disney) retirees.

It ain’t braggin’ if you can do it.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

GPL day 3, body

National Park Lodge lobby
Chillin’ on a cool, cloudy day.

Desperation will lead you into evil. It will lead you out too.


Performed my full-time Disney Institute (DI) role while simultaneously launching Mid Life Celebration, LLC.

Six years working behind the scenes, while excelling at my professional speaking career, traveling the world for DI.

Not quitting my day job allowed me to never be desperate.

Desperation ignorantly grants permission to compromise your values and take risky shortcuts you’d never take if you weren’t desperate.

Kinda like robbing a bank thinking you’ll be the one that never gets caught.

Note: i was desperate to continue doing what i love but without someone else dictating my travel schedule. Desperation catalytically transformed my mindset to leave Disney after 30 years instead of 40.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

GPL day 2, body

Apple alarm clock screenshot
Most nights are closer to 8 hours. But not last night.

Some rest days aren’t physical. Taking a break mentally or spiritually has physical benefits.


At one point yesterday morning, ambition was so high i thought we could summit Oberlin, return from the Pass and still have plenty of time to get to the airport.


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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Drive to airport, then GPL, body

Trailhead map
Grinnell Lake hike here we come.
Family at trailhead sign
Relaxing, final day hike.
Apple Watch fitness app
Easy pre-dinner hike.

Find a million ways to stay motivated.


Today’s quote is one of the most used.


Because it exemplifies life’s basic motivational law; motivation is all on you.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.