Walk 10 miles a day?

Apple Watch on person's wrist
Called Montreal three times between 1:00 – 1:02 PM. Photo: Standing at the hotel 11th-floor hallway end window sill.
USA Olympic Men's Track and field qualifying standards
USA 2024 Olympic Men’s Track and Field qualifying standards. Note: This photo hit my Instagram feed yesterday so i wanted to share it in the moment.

Walking is a financially-poor person‘s horse, train, car.


Walking may seem free, but there’s a price to it.

That price is measured in time.

Most financially-well-off people don’t have enough “currency” to afford it.

So if you have daily time to walk, you are not poor, you are physically-well-off.

i call that a paradoxical wealth.

Think about these two timeless sayings while you walk today or tomorrow:

  1. Time is money.
  2. Health is wealth.

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By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.